Monday, August 6, 2018

The Power Of Focus - Reclaiming Your Time

The Power Of Focus - Reclaiming Your Time

You could call focus the secret ingredient to success.We face distractions every day. Our environment is filled with abundant stimuli, all vying for our attention and ensuring that we will lose focus and have difficulty in concentrating.

Mental focus is the deliberate and conscious effort of keeping a mental spotlight on what we are doing. We block out distractions and hone in on what is important. That is not always easy.The problem with not focusing properly is not only that we feel out-of-control, but we experience a constant high level of stress, which can affect our health.

If we want to succeed, we need to improve our focus, and luckily, that is a skill that can be learned and enhanced. As that energy gets scattered in many directions, our brain simply rebels, as our body does when we expend too much physical energy.
The ability to focus on one task becomes lost. That's when we become stressed.Frequently, our ability to focus is directly related to our emotions.

At home, when a serious discussion with a spouse is necessary, we may welcome the distraction of Facebook, Twitter and ESPN rather than face the unpleasantness ahead. We may not do this consciously, but there are times we certainly choose to invite distractions to keep us from focusing on something that is important. And as a consequence, our work and relationships suffer.
When you go through life unfocused, you get less done yet work harder, because distractions scatter your energies. It is virtually impossible to be and do your best when you spend much of your time in a mental fog. People will stop relying on you, because you can't always honor your commitments. You disappoint employees, families and friends alike.
Why We Need To Focus and a lot more in this free and easy to follow video course.

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Cast: Aaron M Spelling - AllSuperInfo

Tags: The Power Of Focus and Free Video Course

The Power Of Focus - Reclaiming Your Time was originally posted by 25 VT Video Tutorials

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