Monday, November 6, 2017

How to bring more traffic to your site using viral content curation and Trending Traffic

Every single one of us needs more traffic. Simply put, no matter if you have a local business site, a Shopify store, or affiliate offers, eyeballs bring in business.

No matter what the latest courses and plugins try to tell you, there is one secret to bringing in traffic:
Tell visitors what they want to hear What exactly does this mean? It’s giving them content on topics they like.

  • Trending topics / current events
  • Jokes, memes, or other timeless and inspirational content

It’s pretty simple, really. If you’re running a site related to dogs, posting up news about a dog rescue will bring out lots of support. And we all know Grumpy Cat and Doug the Pug memes that get shared.

How to use viral traffic to get more visitors and more sales using Trending Traffic from Aaron M Spelling - AllSuperInfo

I haven’t always shared good content with my lists, but as soon as I started I felt the difference in my wallet instantly. And the same logic applies to your sites.

How can you use this (common sense but underused) advice to your advantage?

  • Browse the top sites daily, looking for interesting articles
  • Grab the most shared/liked content because that’s what users like
  • Post it for your users
  • And then ask them to Like/Share so you get extra bonus exposure

Seems like a lot of work, right?

Browsing through hundreds of posts a day isn’t a grunt work task I really want to take on. (And I can’t blame you!)

A good friend of mine Justin Anderson is a pioneer in getting tons of traffic through automated content curation, having launched a viral traffic product late last year. He’s released an amazing innovation that made me laugh because I hadn’t thought of it first.

His service Trending Traffic pulls in current events INCLUDING social signals.

In other words, his service hits both the trending and viral buttons at the same time! Not only does Trending Traffic scour the top news sites constantly every day, but it puts the posts at your fingertips to post on your blog on autopilot (or manually curated if you want to do it that way).

This type of content brings in both organic search traffic as well as the viral social sharing traffic. And even cooler, it doesn’t require any software or plugins so there are none of those annoying compatibility problems. Just add your blog to the service and it does the rest for you.

===> Go sign up for Trending Traffic now <===

If you’re tired of spending hours finding and making blog posts, only to find people don’t care and don’t share. This is the solution for you. Go give it a shot and I know you’ll love it!

See More Here: How to bring more traffic to your site using viral content curation and Trending Traffic

How to bring more traffic to your site using viral content curation and Trending Traffic was originally posted by 25 VT Video Tutorials

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