Sunday, October 1, 2017

How to Turn Your Blog Into A List Building Amazon Cash Magnet

What Is InstaGenius? - the short version :)

This is the ultimate plugin for making more profits and building targeted lists on your blog - 100% handsfree.

    1. Install the Wordpress plugin
    2. Connect your Amazon & Autoresonder accounts (or multiple accounts if you want to offer searches for more than one country)

That's it. Let's watch a short demo video just to understand better :)

InstaGenius Auto pilot Amazon commission in 5 minutes from Aaron M Spelling - AllSuperInfo 

Instagenius displays a widget (image of your choice) offering your website visitors a free 'price watch' service.

When they search for items they want, it offers buyer advice, which they'll get when they sign up to your subscriber list.

The plugin automatically tracks prices on Amazon for them.

When a price goes on sale - or we find a recommended product (based on our clever algorithms), a hyper-targeted email autoresponder sequence goes into action for you:

- Closing the sale (they've already shown interest!)

- Upsells related products

- Does it all COMPLETELY handsfree

The plugin comes preloaded with customisable email sequences that automatically input the products they've shown interest in - when it goes on sale, taking advantage of time-limited sales and cross selling like never before.

Take a  closer look HERE 

Originally Published Here: How to Turn Your Blog Into A List Building Amazon Cash Magnet

How to Turn Your Blog Into A List Building Amazon Cash Magnet was originally posted by 25 VT Video Tutorials

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