Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How to use viral traffic to get more visitors and more sales using TrendingTraffic

How to use viral traffic to get more visitors and more sales using TrendingTraffic

Going viral is the easiest and fastest way of bringing in massive traffic. So what is it that the big viral sites like BuzzFeed and Viral Nova do that you don’t?
A lot, actually. They have a staff of writers churning out content constantly according to a standard recipe, hoping for one of their posts to hit the jackpot.
What if I told you there is a way that you can shortcut that process? It’s possible!
Justin Anderson is behind the most popular viral traffic plugin in history and has just launched a service called
Trending Traffic that gives YOU this viral power
His service constantly watches the top viral and news sites, looking for fresh content that’s in the process of going viral. You can then hop on that viral bandwagon, sharing content with your site’s users before they’ve seen it elsewhere and letting them Like/Share it. (And of course they become even more rabid fans for your site because it’s sharing good stuff!)
And it’s an added bonus that this long tail/trending content is something that Google loves and you’ll get organic search traffic too!
Go sign up for the Trending Traffic service and put the power to viral to work for you!
Take a look and I’m sure you’ll love it!

For more info about TrendingTraffic :
How to get more social traffic using viral content and TrendingTraffic

How to set up your Trending Traffic account in five easy steps

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Originally Published Here: How to use viral traffic to get more visitors and more sales using TrendingTraffic

How to use viral traffic to get more visitors and more sales using TrendingTraffic was originally posted by 25 VT Video Tutorials

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