Monday, February 20, 2017

How to use a mobile optin alternative to send emails to peoples inboxes AND personalize them

How to use a mobile optin alternative to send emails to peoples inboxes AND personalize them .
Warlord Mobile Leads is a simple but powerful software that can actually reach into mobile users’ phones and tablets and magically grab their PRIMARY email address and real name.
Yes, you heard that right. You’ll be able to send your promotional emails DIRECTLY to a lead’s PRIMARY email inbox – the one they actually check regularly.  This has been shown to result in open rates as much as 300% higher than sending to a traditional email list.
But it doesn’t stop there: You see, since Warlord Mobile Leads Captures the actual name associated with the person’s email account, you’ll be able to personalize your promotional emails by putting their name in the subject line. Did you know that personalizing an email with an actual name can increase open rates by up to 29% and make your email marketing as much as 73% more profitable?
But it doesn’t stop there: You see, since Warlord Mobile Leads Captures the actual name associated with the person’s email account, you’ll be able to personalize your promotional emails by putting their name in the subject line. Did you know that personalizing an email with an actual name can increase open rates by up to 29% and make your email marketing as much as 73% more profitable?
Now, with Warlord Mobile Leads, You’ll be able to leverage BOTH of these awesome factors together. You’ll be sending emails to people’s PRIMARY inboxes AND personalizing them.

Warlord Mobile Leads Taeser
How to Capture the actual name associated with the persons email account with a mobile optin alternative

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How to fix low open rates Guaranteed using a mobile optin alternative Warlord Mobile Lead

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Originally Published Here: How to use a mobile optin alternative to send emails to peoples inboxes AND personalize them

How to use a mobile optin alternative to send emails to peoples inboxes AND personalize them was originally posted by 25 VT Video Tutorials

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